3 Easy Ways to Drive Website Traffic

Guaranteed website traffic is something every marketer is hoping to acquire. This would mean traffic, leads and maybe even some kudos from fellow Internet marketers. After all, we all deserve credit when it is due. 1. Squidoo is one of the most overlooked sites for driving website traffic to your site. Really, take some time and go over to this place.

Squidoo used to be on a first name basis with Google a few short months ago. Then Google and Squidoo had a falling out, but they have made up. Good friends never die. Squidoo is known for their lens building capabilities. Build a good enough Squidoo lens and your traffic will flow and flow some more. The search engines will pick up your articles and promo pieces from Squidoo faster than anything out there, except maybe AdWords.

 Building a Squidoo lens is free. Joining this site is free. Sure, they want all of the background information they can get out of you, but it is worth it. In return, Squidoo gives you all the helpful information and resources you could ever possibly need to begin building a lens. So, build a Squidoo lens for yourself. When you are done with one, build another, then another. This is the number one suggestion to drive traffic to your site.

 2. Article marketing works like crazy! Who would have thought that just a couple of short years ago this was going to be one of everyone's pick to drive traffic Today, article marketing is sharp as a dull razor, so watch yourself; all of the sharks are out there now using this method too. Get in touch with this game plan! Bone up till it hurts because your articles will drive your traffic. Article marketing may have become a big industry, but you have a big advantage so be creative with your articles.

You want to inform, entice, and seduce your reader into wanting more of what you have. Article marketing plays out on even ground. Use the proper SEO. In other words, optimize your articles for the search engines so they can index you. The better the SEO, the better are your chances to reach page one in Google. This means a lot of traffic! It is free! You only have to invest your creative streak and keep everything in the article submission guidelines when you submit these articles to a article submission site. Do not forget to leave a back link to your site in every article, otherwise you missed your directional traffic.

 3. Get a video camera quick. This is so hot right now. Submitting videos to several different video websites online will get you a lot of traffic, you never realized was ever possible. No, this is not about going into a studio so keep it real. Reality TV is a good example. Keep it reality based, put on your best face and pitch a home run. Many markets today are using online videos to get the message across. Why not you Take a look around, you will find a lot of people marketing this way.

 It may seem corny, but they are getting a lot of traffic to their sites. So, look like a fool, just don't bore everyone to death, or they will change the channel. Be creative, have a script in place for reference, then decide on a good cut and run with it. Post it on all of the sites that you can and then - Wait. You'll see. These are 3 guaranteed ways to get up and going to drive traffic. Please, try at least one of them because they all work so well. What have you gained if you have not ventured out into that cold dark Internet without trying Good luck!

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